Who was around in the 1970's?
Photographed by various contributors


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Dee's 21st Toowoomba-LeslieBall, MaryB,Howard,dougBall Dee's 21st-Toowoomba-incl Leslie&DougBall & Penesmith DickHalligan DonN&TonyM Eureka StockadeParty
Dee's 21st Toowoomba
- Leslie Ball, Mary B,
Howard, Doug Ball
Dee's 21st-Toowoomba
- incl Leslie&Doug Ball
& Pene Smith
Dick Halligan Don Nichols &Tony Miles Eureka Stockade Party
EurekaStockade Party EurekaStockadeParty EurekaStockadeParty-PeterA & Avril EurekaStockadeParty@JohnCox's FC BusinessCard front&back
Eureka Stockade Party Eureka Stockade Party Eureka Stockade Party
- PeterAuty & Avril
Eureka Stockade Party
@John Cox's
Folk Centre Business Card
front & back
Fancy'Dress' party KenEvans 'TheFlasher' FlingThing1 FlingThing2 FlingThing3 FlingThing4
Fancy 'Dress' party
Ken Evans as 'TheFlasher'
Fling Thing Fling Thing Fling Thing Fling Thing
Flingthing5 Folk Centre - Gwen on the door Folk Centre - Kathy in Kitchen Folk Centre Closes Newspaper Article Folk Centre Graham(Hendo)Henderson
Fling Thing Folk Centre
- Gwen on the door
Folk Centre
- Kathy in Kitchen
Folk Centre Closes
Newspaper Article
Graham (Hendo) Henderson