Who was around in the 1970's?
Photographed by various contributors


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Jimboomba camp MaryB PeneSmith DonBruce & - JimboombaCamp Jimmy(Seamus)Duffy AdelaideFF '77 John-The-Pom_Jimboomba-May77 JohnSmith&LidThompsonDec76
Jimboomba camp
Mary B Pene Smith Don Bruce & Unknown
Jimboomba Camp Jimmy (Seamus) Duffy
AdelaideFF '77
Jimboomba - May '77
John Smith &
Lid Thompson Dec '76
Joy,steve,Dale,Mary,Julie-GeorgeStFest1982 Keith and Jan Smiths Wedding 1972 KeithBell KeithSmith(Samurai)&TomBrandt King George Square - 1970
- George St Fest 1982
Keith & Jan Smiths Wedding 1972 Keith Bell Keith Smith (Samurai)
& Tom Brandt
King George Square - 1970
Lionel JanD Russell & Nun! MariaS&Fred copy MaryB CarolineHannah c.1973 MickMoore&Babs MikeClarke
Lionel O'Leefe Jan Davis
'Pushbike' Russell & Nun!
Maria S & Fred Mary B & Caroline Hannah c.1973 Mick Moore
& Babs
Mike Clarke
MikeClarkeStanArthur Moreton Bay Folk Fest 1973 MorrisRomaStForum MummersPlay MummersPlay-Don
Mike Clarke & Stan Arthur Moreton Bay Folk Fest 1973 Morris - Roma St Forum

Mummers Play
- Jeff Welham

Mummers Play
- Don