Who was around in the 1960's?
Photographed by various contributors


AnneInfante BobStewart ChrisNicholson AnneInfante EvanMathieson CoolibahFCFredBoltonKeithHumberJackSwabey DonHenderson late 50's&early60's EarlyStreetOpening-AnneInfante
Anne Infante
& Bob Stewart
Chris Nicholson
Anne Infante
Evan Mathieson
CoolibahFolk Club -
Fred Boulton
Keith Humber
Jack Swabey
DonHenderson late 50's&early60's "Early Street" Opening
-Anne Infante
EarlyStreetOpening-BillScott&AnneInfante EarlyStreetOpening-MoretonBayBushwhackers Folk and Fashion FolkCentreFloat-Warana FolkCentre_Wayfarers c.1969
"Early Street" Opening
- Bill Scot t& Anne Infante
"Early Street" Opening
- Moreton Bay Bushwhackers
"Folk and Fashion"
-Newspaper Clipping

Folk Centre Float
in Warana Parade
Folk Centre_
The Wayfarers c.1969
MoretonBayBushwhackers1960 RayGurney AnneInfante LindsayCullen NeilChristianson RhysOwen-KeithSmith-Chris-Nicholson abt 1966 Young Stan Arthur  
Moreton Bay Bushwhackers 1960 Ray Gurney Anne Infante
Lindsay Cullen Neil Christianson
Rhys Owen Keith Smith
Chris Nicholson c. 1966
Young Stan Arthur