Folkies 'Old' when we were 'New'
Contact - Mary Brettell
General Photos
Brisbane Ladies / Old Brisbane Stock Route
Mediaeval Fayres
General Photos
Harry Robertson plaque unveiling at Geoff Wills'
Who was around in the 1990's?
Photographed by various contributors
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Ann Bermingham
Bill Berry
Bill Scott
Colonial Ball
Colonial Ball
Combined Unions Choir
Danny Holmes
Don June Ian
Terry & Mary
@ Recording Studio
Grey & Crusty
Alex Hood
Grey & Crusty
Grey & Crusty
- Evan Mathieson
Griff gaily murdering Phil Brown
Helen Rowe's
Great Singing Party
- Katie, Celia, Frank, Rhys
Jan Davis @ KTBs
Jan Davis' farewell
The Crowd: Bloody Logans,
Tangled Web, JohnT ,Maree....
Jeannie Lewis & Marg RoadKnight
@ Woodford
Geoff Wills' place @ Whites Rd Lota
&Nancy Unveilling Plaque
Geoff Wills' place @ Whites Rd Lota
Peter Auty recites 'ManFromIronbark'
Geoff Wills' place